Sunday, October 14, 2012

How to stop RFIDs

They are everywhere. In our clothes, our phones, our computers, our credit cards, our passports. Some magazines carry them, along with some shoes. No, I'm not talking about fleas, chickens, or the IRS, I'm talking about RFIDs.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a microchip used to transmit radio information. They can be used to broadcast information and even track the wearer.

RFIDs are extremely cheap. Due to this, companies have begun putting them into everything they can get their hands on. Yes, even some of our shirts and underwear are microchipped. Of course, all RFIDs are not created equal. Below is an RFID:

Most RFIDs just carry information, but some can actually track you. In a particularly scary recent event, a school district in Texas is trying to force its students to wear a RFID Student ID at all times. Not only do you have to use it to get in to the school, they can track you ANYWHERE. They claim it's to reduce truancy, but honestly, would you want some crazy school district watching your every move?

But information only RFIDs can be just as bad. You probably have a wallet filled with credit cards, and somewhere you might have a passport stashed. Guess what? A thief with an RFID reader (easily obtained or built) can walk by you and snatch your ID, credit card numbers, and loads of other personal information. Passports contain all their information on an RFID, so these can also be stolen indirectly. Yes, Credit Cards have encryption, but it is easily broken.

In response to these crimes of identity theft, many companies have begun releasing "RFID Blocking Wallets". These claim to block RFID transmissions. The issue is, they cost anywhere from $20 to $50. I don't know many people who want to have to pay money just because the passport makers want to be all high-tech.

Well, you don't have to pay anymore.

First of all, you can simply destroy the microchip. This is easily accomplished: Put the item in question in the microwave for 5-10 seconds and it will melt the RFID, destroying its capabilities. This works great on most stuff, but there a few that won't. If you destroy a Student ID Card you won't be able to enter the school. Microwaving a Credit Card is likely to break both the card and the RFID. Lastly, destroying a Passport RFID is illegal in the United States. So, this method is not foolproof.

But, you can block it. A blocked Credit Card will stop a thief in his tracks, as will the passport. Tracker ID Cards most likely won't let up a red flag if they are blocked outside of the school and only removed to unlock the door.

Here's how.

It's amazingly simple. It literally requires pennies worth of supplies. It's called... Aluminum foil.

Contrary to popular belief, Aluminum foil DOES NOT completely block an RFID. It does, however, greatly decrease the range an RFID reader needs to be to read the microchip. More layers, more protection. So, let's get to work!

You will need some duct tape and a 2 large sheets of aluminum foil.

Take the sheets and fold them each into a thicker square of foil. Now, use the duct tape to connect the sides and bottom to each other. If you want it to last longer, cover the outside and possibly the inside of the pouch with more duct tape. This will give the pouch strength and will greatly increase its lifetime.

Here is my Anti RFID Pouch. Hey, I didn't say it would be pretty, but it works.

And, you are done. Very simple but very useful project. This will give you a very short range needed to read the RFID, making it less likely that a thief will ever get you. You can stick your credits cards in the pouch, or create a larger pouch and put your phone in it. Remember, make sure that the pouch is completely lined with foil. This setup gives you 3-4 layers of foil with minimal effort.

Questions? Use the comment function!


  1. I believe this technique is also used by shoplifters as a way to get around the RFID tags on certain items.

  2. Very true I have caught many people stealing using these I always laugh and take the item and the pouch and say "Get the hell out of here and do not come back"
