Monday, October 15, 2012

How to Modify a Laser Pointer into a Burning Laser

WARNING: Lasers are dangerous. Always wear correct protective eye-wear.  I am not responsible for any damage caused.

If you are reading this, you've probably read my older post regarding lasers. While very cool to make your own laser from salvaged parts along with some circuit parts, this is very time consuming. Including shipping, it can take upwards of a month, if you do it leisurely.

There is another way. Making this burning laser will cost around $20, but is extremely easy. No wiring, extracting, or testing diodes needed. However, this laser will have a much shorter lifetime than the more homemade version described a few days ago. This project will turn a 5mW laser into a 100mW laser.

Remember, this laser can, and will, damage your eyes.

Ready? Let's get to work.

You will need to buy a Laser Pointer. Green is best, but red lasers will often work as well. However, I warn you: Not all Laser Pointers will work. I will detail this later in the blog, so I recommend you read the whole post before going out and buying a pointer. However, get a good one at Office Depot or something. Don't buy the 99 cent, cheap-o, inch long pointers. That for sure won't work.

Get this:

Not this:

Take your laser pointer out of the package and ensure that it works. If it doesn't, replace the batteries. If it still doesn't work, you may want to return it for a new one.

Now, remove the batteries to ensure it will not accidentally turn on. Ensure that you have laser safety glasses. MAKE SURE that they are tuned to the correct wavelength as the laser you are using (Red=600-700nm, etc.). Find the seam down the edge of the pointer where it comes apart. It is probably super glued, so you may need a screwdriver to pry it apart. Make sure not to break anything.

If all goes well, it will pop right off. If any wires or circuits came undone, just be sure to solder them back on later. Now, you should see the laser diode (probably in a case) and the driver circuit. Believe me, these things are not large. The circuit is less then an inch across. At this point you will be able to determine if your pointer is mod-able. Look at the driver. It will probably have a lot of small parts, along with a big button, which is what you press to turn the laser on. What you are looking for a something resembling a screw. If you don't see it, flip it over. If you still don't see it, you are out of luck. Not all laser pointers have this.

The "screw" is actually a tiny potentiometer. When in the factory, these laser pointers are set to 5mW (the basic setting for most laser pointers). But remember, this is a potentiometer. What do these do? They let you increase the power, for lack of a better word.

Make sure your protective goggles are on. Replace the batteries. Hold down on the button to shine the laser on the wall. Now, begin to twist the potentiometer with your screwdriver. The laser should be getting brighter (Remember, NEVER look directly at a laser. Watch the point on the wall.). If it is not moving, DO NOT strain it. Try going the other way. If you press too hard you could break it.

Keep turning the Potentiometer until your laser is at its maximum brightness. Turn it off and reassemble your laser, taking care not to damage anything. Once you have done this, you are finished. To do a final test, shine the laser straight ahead and use a piece of paper to find the smallest point. You should be able to light matches and slowly burn things at this range.

Remember: Always wear glasses tuned to the correct wavelength. NEVER shine the laser into the eyes of any person OR animal. It's really cruel and you can be sent to jail. Lastly, do not use the laser in a place where other people who are not wearing goggles can see it.

A final note: Using a pointer like this will greatly diminish the lifetime of your laser. So, if you want your laser to live a long life, don't do this to it. Think of it as eating too much salt: It tastes great, but it will give you some health problems if you keep eating it in large amounts. It is also possible to reverse this process: Simply disassemble the laser again and do everything backwards.


Questions? Use the comment function!


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    1. or


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