Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to make an Taser

Sometimes you need something to defend yourself.

Imagine you are walking home from a football game. You had to park quite a ways from the stadium. On the way to your car, some insane man tries to bash your nose in for no apparent reason.

Or imagine you are in bed, happily sleeping. You hear a crash. Sure enough, some guy has broken into your home and is stealing your wallet, computer, and anything else of value.

These creeps deserve a good lesson.

Then came the Taser.

Tasers are a gun-shaped device that generates a strong electrical shock. Attaching a special cartridge to the weapon allows you to fire tiny needles into the burglar or attacker, giving him an extremely painful shock. Tasers are so effective, they cause those hit by it to lose control of their muscles for a minute or two as the shock pulses through their body. And the best part? Non-lethal.

But Tasers are expensive. Heck, they aren't even legal in some countries. In the United States, you can carry a Taser without a permit in 43 states. However, in countries such as Brazil, Tasers are illegal.

How would you like a low grade Taser that you can make in 5 minutes?

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any harm or damage caused to anyone by use of electrical shock. Do not use this device on anyone unless your life or property is threatened.

Here we go!

Making a "Taser" is surprisingly easy. You only need one thing, and it can be purchased almost everywhere.

This unassuming, innocent device hides a dark secret in its circuits. May I present, the Disposable Camera.

Yes, the same disposable camera that tourists use for 25 pictures and then dump in a trash can.

Disposable cameras can actually made into a whole slew of personal weaponry, but for today we'll just focus on the Taser.

As always, you will also need a Screw driver (WITH insulated handle!) and electrical tape.

First off, pry the camera apart, removing the plastic shell. Find the circuit board inside. It should be green tinged, with a large black cylinder on one end. DO NOT TOUCH THE CYLINDER. Guess what that is? If you guessed Capacitor, you are correct. These cameras use a powerful capacitor to run the flash. 

You should see two pins on either side of the capacitor. Take your screwdriver (Make sure you are touching only the insulated handle, not the metal!) and short the capacitor by touching both pins to the metal. You might see some sparks, that's OK. Once the capacitor is empty, remove the battery. Now it is safe to remove the circuit board. 

Once you have the board out, locate both the battery holder and the trigger. The trigger is a round, shiny circle in the center of the board. Remove the flash bulb. Cover the entire circuit in electrical tape except the battery holder and the capacitor (Mark where the trigger is for future use). 

Optional: Buy a better, Lithium-Ion Battery for longer and better use of your taser.

Great, you are done! That easy? Yup, it is. Make sure you can't accidentally touch any of the metal circuit parts to avoid a shock yourself. 

Ready to use it? Excellent.

Replace the battery. Hold down the Trigger to hear a buzzing, whining noise. Once the noise stops, you are all charged up. Locate your target and give him/her a jab in the chest. They will receive a painful electric shock.

Remember, this is a cheap disposable camera. It's not going to have the power of an actual Taser. It won't leave your enemy twitching on the ground for five minutes (or anytime for that matter). It will, however, give a painful and stunning shock. It's a great home defense weapon against burglars. And it's cheap.

DO NOT use this device on anyone who is not threatening your life or property. It's really... cruel. So don't do it. 

Always make sure to short the capacitor, remove the battery, and place in a container (non conductive) before storing.


Questions? Use the comment function!


  1. is this the one you use to make the emp

  2. if you plan on relying on this in a life threatening situation, bye!

  3. I tried making it and it wouldn't work

  4. What would you jab into someone?? There's nothing left.

  5. Would this into work as you described and you think it will help me get extra credits on a pot o gold poker machine or make the game think I'm putting in more money if I touch the game with it?
